Thursday, 28 November 2013

Updated Script

I have decided to change my script in certain places because I wasn't entirely happy with what I originally had. Also, I intended on getting a wedding dress shop as one of my locations, unfortunately I was unable to do this in the end as the owner of the shop had other commitments. I have altered that scene in particular to keep it as similar as it was, in a different location.
Here is my updated version:

Fade in:
EXT. House - Daytime

Establishing shot of a house in a quiet street, just at the sun is coming up.

We see where the main character lives.
Fade to:
INT. Bedroom – Daytime

GRACE is a young girl, maybe in her twenties, who is currently living alone as a result of her husband-to-be working for the army in Afghanistan. She is planning a wedding for when he returns.
GRACE is sleeping when her alarm wakes her up. She turns it off, stretches and lies staring at her ceiling.
She wakes up and turns off her alarm.
She rolls over and stretches and lies down for a short time.
She then gets up and puts on her slippers and dressing gown and leaves the room.
We see a photograph of her with a man in a frame beside her bed.
Cut to:
INT. Living Room – Day
GRACE is sitting texting her friends and watching TV in the living room, while drinking tea. She is arranging for them so visit her house and see her try on her wedding dress.

She is sitting on one of the couches in her living room, with her feet up.
She is drinking tea out of a mug, with the tv on in the background.
She is on her phone and is texting a friend.
We see the conversation between the two.
She smiles and the scene ends.

Fade to:
EXT. Car – Day
INT. Inside the car
GRACE is sitting in the car outside of her house after she has just been to pick up her wedding dress. She is excited, but a little bit sad at the fact her fiancé isn’t at home waiting for her.

She taps her fingers on the steering wheel.
She picks up her purse out of her bag and opens it to look at another photo of the man in the frame, her fiancé’ and she smiles. She then gets out of her car with her dress and goes into her house.
Fade to:

INT. House - Day
GRACE’S friend JULIE and her mother KAROLINE sit excitedly waiting for her to show them her dress. They drink champagne and giggle together. GRACE enters the room and they go quiet. They stand up, stunned.

JULIE and KAROLINE sit together on a couch.
They are chatting and giggling, while drinking champagne.
GRACE enters the room from the dressing room, wearing a wedding dress.
JULIE and KAROLINE stand up, looking emotional
Dissolve to:
INT. – Living room – Day

GRACE is getting on with her housework, sweeping the floor when there is a knock at the door. She stops what she is doing and goes to answer it.

She is sweeping the floor in her living room
She hears a knock at the door and looks up
She goes to leave the room to answer it

Cut to:
INT. – Hallway/Front Door – DAY
GRACE goes to answer the door and sees that there is a man dressed in an army outfit. She is immediately confused and concerned. We do not see the face of this man, just his body from the shoulders down. He hands her a letter and she closes the door. Once she reads it, she becomes aware of the fact that her fiancé has died at war and naturally, she breaks down.
She walks towards the door and sees the man in uniform. She has a confused facial expression. She opens the door and we see the man standing there. He gives her a letter and she takes it before closing the door.
She reads the letter and then throws it on the ground. She then starts to cry and slides down the wall until she is sitting down on the floor.
We see a photograph on the wall of her boyfriend again.
She sits with her head in her hands.

Cut to:
INT. – Bedroom – Early Evening
GRACE has just read the letter and is still distraught and finding it hard to come to terms with what has happened. She goes into her bedroom and looking in his wardrobe, and ends up clinging on to his clothes. She stares sadly at her wedding ring and goes to sit down in front of her mirror.
She walks into her bedroom and towards the wardrobe. She opens it and runs her hands along the clothes. She then clings to the clothes.
She then walks away, towards her bed and sits down, looking into the mirror.
She then stares at the engagement ring on her finger and then closes her eyes

Dissolve to:
INT. – Living room – Evening (Flashback
EXT. – Garden – Night (Flashback)
INT. – Bedroom – Evening (Present)
GRACE has a flash back of her wedding proposal. It is her and her boyfriend in a garden, with lights and a small table and wine. She sees him get on one knee with the ring again. Quick cuts back to her face every so often, in her bedroom, as she smiles, sadly with her eyes closed. 
GRACE and JAMES are walk into the living room and they are smiling and laughing. He puts a blind fold on her and starts leading her out of the door. [Cuts back to her in her bedroom looking down, sad]
 We see all the lights and how the garden is decorated first.
JAMES then directs her to a table where he pulls out the chair for her to sit down.
[Cuts back to her when she is sitting in her bedroom with her eyes closed]
He then gets down on one knee and pulls out a ring.
[Back to her sitting in her bedroom, with her eyes closed]
She smiles and indicates a ‘yes’. They hug and are both smiling and happy, JAMES then sits down and they end up holding hands on the table.
[Back to her in her bedroom, eyes closed, emphasis on her holding her own hand]
They sit on the table talking to each other and appreciating the ring
Fade to:
INT. Bedroom – Evening
GRACE goes to have a lie down, but on his side of the bed. She clutches his pillow and then rolls over to retrieve the photograph of them by the bed. She clutches it and closes her eyes.

She goes to her bed and lies down and we see the empty side of the bed.
She rolls over and stares at the empty space.
She moves and lies on his side, staring at the photograph by the bed.
She picks up the photograph and stares at it.
She lies back, clutching the photograph and closes her eyes

When she beings to read the letter, the music will lower in volume but in the background we will hear the sound of gunshots and explosions.

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