Tuesday, 6 May 2014


This is the link to a video that I made answering the question: How did you use new media technologies in the construction, research and planning and evaluation stages?

To summarise, the new media technologies I have used throughout are:

iMac- To edit my film, and construct all of my ancillary tasks on. Was also used to do online research. It had a big impact on my work as without it, I would have had to use a PC and this may have taken longer.

Mac Book- I used my own personal MacBook when I was at home and in between lessons, to edit all of my work and work on my blog. This was because if I couldn't access the iMac in the classroom, as it was a weekend/there was another class using them etc. I was still able to work on my products.

Premier Pro- I used this software to edit my short film. It took a few practices to get used to it and to learn about all of the different editing tools but my work definitely benefited from using this kind of professional software. I was able to focus on editing styles and transitions and it has many effects and editing tools that a few other programmes I've used have not. I think it helped to make sure my work was of decent quality.

Photoshop- This was used to create both of my ancillary tasks- DPS and Poster. I used this last year, so I was able to use the software again with more confidence this time. This in itself sped up the process of creating both of the products. This was mainly used in the construction stages of my work.

Da Font- I used this website in the planning and research stages, as I looked through a long list of fonts to find the kind of style I would like to use and made a note of them/put them on a moodboard. This sped up the pace when it came to constructing my work because I already had a clear idea of the fonts I was interested in using. This website enabled me to pick fitting fonts, so that my work looked more professional and attractive.

Blogger- I have used blogger to track my progress throughout each process in the way you would use a journal. This helped the research and planning process as I could always check back and see what I had already found. It has also been beneficial to post drafts every so often so that I can look back and see my progress and how i've improved following feedback.

YouTube- I used YouTube to research different kinds of short films, to give myself an idea of the kind of editing styles and cinematography etc. was frequently used. Doing this inspired my work and gave me some very good ideas about what to include and what I wished to avoid. I also used this to upload my work so that people can view it without difficulty.

Panasonic Camera- I filmed the whole of my short film on a Panasonic camera given to me by the college. This was a good quality camera, so my film has turned out to look like it is of high quality visually. This was better than using something like a smartphone camera, as it made the editing process easier.

iPhone- I used my iPhone for various different reasons. To record videos for focus groups, to research, to use the blogger app and track my progress, to contact my actors, to take photos etc. Having a smart phone made many of the processes quick and easy and I was able to do work on the go.

iMovie- I used iMovie on my MacBook during the evaluation stages, so that I could edit a video of myself answering one of the questions. By doing so, I was able to provide a good quality video to include more new media into my work and I find speaking is a better and easier way to get a point across than text sometimes.

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